Upside Down: Week 5 - Give Away Recognition

We all receive recognition at some point in life. When we crave it too much, it easily becomes our identity. That is why Jesus shows us how to give away recognition.


Reading: Mark 9-10

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you someone who is more of a center of attention person who tries to avoid the attention?

  2. What is something that you are really gifted in? What is some of the recognition you have received in the past about it?

  3. In King Saul and Joseph, we see two different examples of what to do when recognition goes away. What stuck out to you in each of these examples?

  4. All of us lose recognition. Why is it important to choose to give it away rather than try to get it back?

  5. Out of the three closing questions, which one do you need to focus on the most? Why?