Upside Down: Week 6 - First Shall Be Last

 In Jesus kingdom, the last shall be first and the first shall be last. But how does that actually work in our every day lives?


Reading: Mark 10:17-31

Discussion Questions:

  1. In what ways have you seen yourself as “last”, “first”, or “in the middle” in your life?

  2. Like the workers hired first in the vineyard, have there been times you have felt others were unjustly rewarded?

  3. Like the rich man, have you ever asked Jesus what it is you need to do next? Did you get an answer and how did you respond?

Upside Down: Week 5 - Give Away Recognition

We all receive recognition at some point in life. When we crave it too much, it easily becomes our identity. That is why Jesus shows us how to give away recognition.


Reading: Mark 9-10

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you someone who is more of a center of attention person who tries to avoid the attention?

  2. What is something that you are really gifted in? What is some of the recognition you have received in the past about it?

  3. In King Saul and Joseph, we see two different examples of what to do when recognition goes away. What stuck out to you in each of these examples?

  4. All of us lose recognition. Why is it important to choose to give it away rather than try to get it back?

  5. Out of the three closing questions, which one do you need to focus on the most? Why?

Upside Down: Week 4 - Forgive Others


When Jesus was asked how often we should forgive, he responded with a story. The parable of the unmerciful servant shows us how often we should forgive: Always.


Reading: Matthew 18:21-22

Discussion Questions:

  1. Name a time that you were forgiven. How did receiving forgiveness feel?

  2. Why do we have so much trouble forgiving other people?

  3. Read Matthew 18:21-35. What sticks out to you the most in this parable?

  4. There are three elements in forgiveness that need to be achieved before you can let go: Express the emotion, understand why, and rebuild safety. Why do you need these 3 before you can let go?

  5. Who do you need to forgive right now (you do not need to share their name). How can you begin the process of forgiving?

Upside Down: Week 3 - Greatness Through Sacrifice

What does greatness look like? We all want it to look like success, but Jesus never equates earthly success with greatness. Instead, he equates sacrifice with success.


Reading: Matthew 11

Discussion Questions:

  1. How does equating greatness with success leave us unsatisfied?

  2. Read Matthew 11:1-11. How can you relate to John’s question?

  3. How have you seen greatness come through sacrifice in your own life or in the lives of people you know?

  4. What do you think your purpose is right now and how do you know if you are fulfilling it?

Upside Down: Week 2 - Put Others First

The Golden Rule says to treat others the way we want to be treated. How do we practically do that? By putting others first.


Reading: John 13

Discussion Questions:

  1. In what ways do you find yourself being selfish?

  2. Read John 13:1-17. How does Jesus' example show us the gospel?

  3. Have you ever had someone serve you in a way that made a lasting impact? Give a real life example.

  4. There are three excuses we tend to have in regards to serving others: Time, Talent, and Title. Which one do you find is your excuse most often?

  5. In what ways can you put others first that you aren’t currently doing?

Upside Down: Week 1 - Less Is More

Jesus’ kingdom is an upside-down kingdom. In this upside down kingdom, we learn that more is not more, but less is actually more. 


Reading: Luke 12

Discussion Questions:

  1. In what ways is Jesus’ kingdom an upside down kingdom?

  2. Why is it so hard to not want more? Why is it so hard to be content with less?

  3. What things do you have trouble being content with right now? How can you start to practice contentment today?

  4. What real life examples do you have of God showing you to trust Him in what you have, no matter how much or how little it is?

  5. What would it look like for you to focus on Jesus and only glaze at your life vs the other way around?