
The Head, the Heart and the Hands: Week 4 - Do

Growth starts in our head, takes root in our heart, but at the end of the day it has to lead us to do something with our hands. In fact, if we do not show the fruit then we are not actually changing.


Icebreaker: What plans do you have for this summer?

Reading: Hebrews 6

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some of the times that you serve someone or do something for someone for an ulterior motive?

  2. Why is it important to go from HEAD, HEART, then to HANDS and not HANDS first?

  3. In what ways has “imitation” like it is said in Hebrews 6:12 helped you grow in your life?

  4. How does the fruit we show in our lives show us what we are rooted in? Give examples of bad fruit in your life showing the bad root it is connected to.

  5. How have you seen your bad fruit or good fruit feed other people?

  6. What is God putting in front of you right now to say YES to?

The Head, the Heart and the Hands: Week 1 - Spiritual Maturity

How do you know if you are growing spiritually mature? It takes your head, heart and hands. We all tend to lean towards one of the three but if we want to grow in our walk with Christ, it will take all three.


Icebreaker: Who is your favorite stand up comedian?

Reading: Hebrews 5

Discussion Questions:

  1. When did you move out of your parents’ house (if you have)? What was the hardest part? If you haven’t, what do you think will be the hardest part?

  2. Read 1 Corinthians 13:11. What sticks out to you in this verse?

  3. How do you know if you are growing spiritually? What are some marks that show you that you are maturing in your spiritual life?

  4. We all tend to gravitate towards either the head, heart, or hands. Which one do you find yourself gravitating towards?

  5. Have you ever had a bad experience with a head, heart, or hands person?

  6. In what ways is God calling you to commit in order to grow spiritually?