Overcoming: Week 3 - Hurt

We all have been hurt before. We all have hurt others before. If we are going to overcome those feelings of hurt, we have to look at the example that Jesus gave us on the cross. Jesus experienced horrific hurt, yet he still forgave. How can we do the same?


Reading: Matthew 27

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you feel that you are the type of person who has a hard time overcoming hurt in your life? 

  2. What has been your reaction when others have shown you forgiveness? 

  3. When you read about Jesus hanging on the cross and asking God to forgive his abusers in Matthew 27, what is your reaction? 

  4. What do you need to forgive and heal from?

Overcoming: Week 2 - Doubt

In this powerful exploration of faith and doubt, we're reminded that questioning our beliefs is not only normal but can be a pathway to deeper spiritual growth. We learn that doubt is not the opposite of faith, but rather an element of it. This message encourages us to bring our doubts to God, assuring us that He is big enough to handle our questions and loving enough to welcome us as we are. As we navigate our own spiritual uncertainties, we're called to create safe spaces for others to express their doubts, fostering a community of authentic faith.


Reading: John 20

Discussion Questions:

  1. The pastor mentions that "doubt often isn't about rejecting truth. It's actually about being uncertain whether we can trust it enough to just take the next step forward." How does this perspective change your view of doubt in faith?

  2. Discuss the difference between doubt and unbelief as presented in the sermon. How have you experienced these in your own life?

  3. The sermon suggests that certainty is the opposite of faith, not doubt. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

  4. How does the story of Thomas (John 20:24-29) challenge or encourage you in your faith journey?

  5. How does this transparency impact your view of church leadership and your own faith struggles?

Overcoming: Week 1 - Failure

All of us fail. Our failures can either bring us up or tear us down. What can we learn from Peter's failure so that we can overcome our failure?


Reading: Romans 8

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some of the ways that you have failed in life?

  2. Read John 21:1-19. What sticks out to you about these verses?

  3. How can you face your failure? What ways to we avoid facing our failures?

  4. Why can it be hard to believe that God’s mind doesn’t change because of our failure?

  5. Failure is an invitation back into God’s love. How can you leverage your failure to connect back to Him.