Next Steps: Week 3 - Identity and Discipleship

An intricate and pragmatic look at the effects of sin on the human being, God’s response to the problem, and the power of the functional Gospel to set people free from the devastating effects of sin.


Reading: Genesis 3

Discussion Questions:

  1. What does Jesus mean in Matthew 5:48 when He tells us to be perfect like He is?

  2. The negative emotions of fear, guilt, and shame were brought to the world by Satan. Where do you see these emotions in your life? What are they revealing about false beliefs you have?

  3. Where do you see that you are self-protecting or self-promoting?

  4. What are false names you’ve accepted from the world or other people over the years that are hurting you? (ex. Not good enough, not loved, not wanted)

  5. What do you think it would look like to walk someone into the functional Gospel?