Next Steps: Week 6 - Church Membership

Spirituality is on the rise in America, but church affiliation is on the decline. Is church membership an outdated tradition that we no longer need or is it part of being a follower of Christ?


Reading: Matthew 18

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your church membership history?

  2. Out of all the reasons people avoid church membership, which one makes the most sense to you?

  3. How does the Bible indicate that we should be members of a church even though it does not directly say we should?

  4. Why does committing to a local church help your faith grow?

Next Steps: Week 5 - Mentorship

Everyone needs an ally, everyone needs a mentor, and everyone needs a mentee. How do we leverage our life experiences to help those around us?


Reading: Philippians 2

Discussion Questions:

  1. Tell of a time that someone believed in you so much that it made you a better person.

  2. Why is it important to have an ally, a mentor, and a mentee?

  3. Who is your ally? Who is your mentor? Who is your mentee? How has your life changed from having all three, if you have all three?

  4. In what ways can you use the treasure chest that is your life to help others?

Next Steps: Week 4 - Community

We learn when we sit in rows in church, but that isn’t how we grow in our relationship with God. We only grow in circles.

Reading: Acts 2

Discussion Questions:

  1. How have you seen a community you were a part of impact your life in a positive way?

  2. Read Acts 2:42-47. What sticks out to you about the early church that is different than the church in America?

  3. What is the difference between initial fellowship and “experiencing life together” fellowship with another person?

  4. Has anyone ever helped you with a physical need? Have you ever helped anyone with a physical need?

  5. How does community help you live life on mission?

Next Steps: Week 3 - Identity and Discipleship

An intricate and pragmatic look at the effects of sin on the human being, God’s response to the problem, and the power of the functional Gospel to set people free from the devastating effects of sin.


Reading: Genesis 3

Discussion Questions:

  1. What does Jesus mean in Matthew 5:48 when He tells us to be perfect like He is?

  2. The negative emotions of fear, guilt, and shame were brought to the world by Satan. Where do you see these emotions in your life? What are they revealing about false beliefs you have?

  3. Where do you see that you are self-protecting or self-promoting?

  4. What are false names you’ve accepted from the world or other people over the years that are hurting you? (ex. Not good enough, not loved, not wanted)

  5. What do you think it would look like to walk someone into the functional Gospel?

Next Steps: Week 2 - Serving

Followers of Jesus are all called to serve. Why? Because Jesus told us to, because Jesus modeled how to, and because we can.


READING: John 13


  1. In what ways have you served in a local church in the past?

  2. Why can serving be so hard to do?

  3. Why is serving good for you? How have you seen serving help you grow?

  4. Out of all the excuses given, have you used any of those excuses in the past? Which excuse do you relate to the most?

Next Steps: Week 1 - First Step

Everyone has a next step in their faith, but sometimes we overcomplicate it. When is the last time we stopped to appreciate how beautiful our mission is to simply share the Gospel? And thankfully, someone once shared it with us.


Reading: Acts 1-4

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who first shared the Gospel with you? How did you respond?

  2. Share a time when you felt God leading you to share with someone else about who Jesus is. Did you share? How did it go?

  3. What is one step you can take this week that will help the good news of the Gospel spread throughout your circle of influence?