Ezra & Nehemiah: Week 6 - Live Your Repentance Out Loud

Confession is confidence that God will provide a way out. For the Israelites in Nehemiah 9, they confessed their sins corporately among a trusted circle of other believers. It’s in this prayer from the Levites that we learn the power of humble confession and a righteous response to our sin.


Reading: Nehemiah 8-12

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who is in your "trusted circle"? If you can't think of anyone, take this time to invite them. (Remember, not asking is an automatic "no")

  2. Reread the prayer in Nehemiah 9. What are some themes or patterns you notice?

  3. "Repentance is the inseparable companion of faith," Do you agree? Do you find it easy or difficult to repent and talk to God if you fall short?