Pregnancy Help
Embrace Grace
Single and Pregnant? You are not alone! Get plugged into an Embrace Grace group in your local area. In the Embrace Grace program, you will make new friends in similar circumstances, receive a baby shower with NEW baby items, and be inspired and filled with hope by friends, leaders, and God. To find an Embrace Grace group near you, go to or email
Option Line
OptionLine provides free and confidential counseling as well as accurate information about pregnancy and pregnancy options. These centers support life-affirming choices, and they do not refer women to abortion providers. There are over 3,000 pregnancy resource centers across the country. Help is just around the corner. Find a pregnancy resource center near you at Call 800-712-HELP, or text HELPLINE to 313131 for assistance.
Pregnant on Campus
Being a parent and a student is difficult but possible. Whether you are pregnant or parenting, you do not have to sacrifice your educational and personal goals! This website is designed for you– the pregnant or parenting student. You are not alone. We’re here to help.
Abortion Recovery
Rachel’s Vineyard
HOPE 4 ME (877-467-3463)
Rachel’s Vineyard weekends for healing after abortion are offered throughout the year in locations across the United States and Canada, with additional sites around the world. They also offer a 15-week support group model for Rachel’s Vineyard. Because of the emotional numbness and secrecy that often surrounds an abortion experience, conflicting emotions both during and after the event may remain unresolved. These buried feelings can surface later and may be symptoms of post abortion trauma. The program is an opportunity to examine your abortion experience, identify the ways that the loss has affected you in the past and present, and helps to acknowledge any unresolved feelings.
Project Rachel
888-456-HOPE (4673)
Project Rachel operates as a network of healing composed of specially-trained caregivers which may include priests, deacons, sisters, lay staff and volunteers, mental health professionals, spiritual directors, mentors, chaplains and others, such as medical personnel. These individuals, often working as a team, provide direct care to women, men and adolescents who have been touched by an abortion loss, enabling them to grieve, receive forgiveness, and find peace. Although most dioceses use the name Project Rachel, some programs are named differently. In addition to individualized counseling, some programs include support groups and retreats. Project Rachel programs can be found in about 150 Catholic dioceses in the United States, as well as in dioceses in other countries. Call the nationwide toll-free number 888-456-HOPE (4673) during regular business hours (Eastern Time Zone)
Silent No More
Silent No More Awareness is a campaign whereby Christians make the public aware of the devastation abortion brings to women and men. The campaign seeks to expose and heal the secrecy and silence surrounding the emotional and physical pain of abortion. To learn more about healing programs in your area, please visit To learn more about sharing your story, please visit For more information, please email