Best Advice Ever: Week 3 - Control is Controllable

The only thing we can truly control is our need for control. Jesus showed us why surrender is always better than control. 


Reading: Matthew 26

Discussion Questions:

  1. In what ways do you find yourself struggling with control?

  2. How does control and trust go together?

  3. Read Matthew 26:36-44. What sticks out to you in these verses?

  4. There are times where we choose our will over God’s will. What personal examples can you remember of times you chose your will?

  5. What did you write on your index card? Why did you write that? How are you surrendering it?

Best Advice Ever: Week 2 - You Owe Me Nothing

What is the key to a successful relationship? It is all about how you answer the question “what do they owe you?” Successful relationships’ answer to that question is “nothing.”


Reading: Ephesians 5

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is in your box?

  2. How have you seen your hopes, dreams, and desires turn into expectations?

  3. Read Ephesians 5:21-33. What sticks out to you?

  4. What does mutual submission practically look like in your relationships?

  5. Why is it important to surrender to each other out of reverence for Christ?

Best Advice Ever: Week 1 - Direction Determines Destination

Most personal problems cannot be fixed, but they can be avoided. How do we avoid them? By living out the path principle. 


Reading: Matthew 5-7

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is some of the best advice you have ever received? Why was it so impactful to you?

  2. Read Matthew 7:24-27. What sticks out to you in this passage?

  3. Where do you want to end up in life financially, professionally, relationally, morally, or spiritually? What is the direction that will get you there?

  4. Why is it dangerous to confuse intentions with direction? How do we know the difference?

  5. How can we surrender our direction to Christ?